500 Words Per Day

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Dressing Up for Halloween

Forget about donning your ghoul or vampire costume, or even taking the whimsical route and dressing up as a pop culture icon or robot. If you're like me and you enjoy expending the least amount of effort at annual celebrations, you simply visit a friend and borrow any hats that he may have on hand. In my case, I got lucky, as my friend had in his possession an assortment of interesting hats. I counted at least three flavours of cowboy hats, including one that was adorned with a pimp-like feather, a sombrero and what looked like a hat a matador would wear.

Taking no chances, I borrowed the sombrero and the pimp cowboy hat just in case I needed to be versatile at the Halloween party I was attending.

I don't have much interest in getting into the detail of that party, mainly because it wasn't much of a party to begin with. Sure there was music, scary decorations and many people in the spirit of dressing up but I think I was too tired to really appreciate any of it. I also didn't really know anyone, except for my date who I dragged along sans costume. Speaking of which, I was glad that no one scoffed at my very blatant I-Don't-Give-A-Shit costume a.k.a. my friend's sombrero. There was maybe one fella who gave me a good stare down when I first arrived, although I'm sure he was just trying to ascertain just what the heck I was supposed to be. There's no theme, buddy: I just don't care!

On a final note, I must say that I did not hold exclusive rights to lack of effort and imagination. There are a few girls in attendance - who I might go out on a limb as labelling as skanks - who really thought outside the box this Halloween and all decided to dress up as... well, Skanks. I could not for the life of me pick up on the theme of their dress. There was a bit of '80s in there, but I couldn't be sure. What I did pick up on was the skankiness of costumes. It was almost as if they didn't want this cumbersome Halloween business to put a damper on their usual style of provocative dress. And oh, it was quite provocative, at least for me. A fair bit of leg was on display, with nice sexy shoes to match. It took a concerted effort on my part to pry my eyes away as my date and I followed the fearsome trio of leg-bearing Skanks into the party. Oh, the glorious female leg. I love legs.


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