500 Words Per Day

Monday, December 05, 2005

Working Stiff Redux

Hi kids. Miss me?
I rejoined the working world today after about 18 weeks of unemployment. That's about how long I lasted at the job I got laid off from. Time fucking flies when you're doing jack shit.

Returning to full-time work feels... strange. I have a whole different perspective on my job and what it means to my life. I have a newfound respect for money and knowing that there will be a paycheque in my hot little hands every couple weeks. I also realized that I can still do the work I've always done and still pursue the pursuits that really matter to me.

As for the new gig, things are looking good. There are already some telltale signs that I'll be enjoying my time here:

  • My workstation is brand new, modern and it works
    It's also not a Macintosh.
  • My monitor is easy on the eyes
    It's almost sharper than the one I got at home... the one that probably cost twice as much.
  • I was left to do my work, uninterrupted, for up to 3 hours
  • The latest versions of all my favourite programs.
    PhotoShop CS2 anyone?
  • I have every reason to believe I won't have to talk to a single client... EVER
  • There's a bevy of unhealthy restaurants in the area to visit for lunch
  • Free parking
    That's right, no more fart-soaked, duct-taped bus seats
  • Casual & laid back environment
    Continuing my streak of taking jobs that don't require me to wear a tie.
  • Access to a monstrous library of DVDs
    Lost Season 1 here I come...

That's about all I can think of now but you have to admit it's a good start.

So you might be wondering if this will affect the content of the blog or how frequently updates come. The short answer to both is: "very little". My other writing/blogging commitments haven't quite kicked in yet despite a flurry of activity last week. When I am finally required to write something insightful for other people to read, you might see this space become a 500 Words Per Week zone for a little while. Such is life.

Anything else to report from the trenches of the working man? Not really. I'm not as flush with excitement as I used to be when scoring a new job. Frankly, I'm just relieved and a little shocked by how I found work just a few weeks before Christmas. Sometimes I love my own timing. It can be so fucked up.


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