500 Words Per Day

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Time Management: -7

Once I'm off work, I feel like an unemployed person again: lazing around, playing vids and generally managing my time very poorly.

I glanced over my retrospective again tonight and became tired at the thought of distilling my ramblings over to the blog. My friend found it strange that I keep a mammoth journal to myself, which is strange in itself when you consider diaries and journals were actually private possessions before the advent of Blogger. Yes, you heard it here first. Shocking.

What this means is the mini-retrospective is coming but I'm in no rush to post it, since I'd be leaving out loads of personal details and what you'd probably end up readaing is endless paragraphs filled with vague, trivial events.

2006 is upon us and it sort of came around with a murmur instead of a bang. I guess that's what happens when you don't tie a few on the night before or run out for the polar bear swim out in English Bay.

The new year started with me watching a spate of movies on DVD. Last Sunday I finally watched What the *Bleep* Do We Know?, which I scammed from my boss' online DVD rental business. I think this movie deserves a post all to itself. It's basically about quantum physics as it applies to humans and why they do what they do. Don't be fooled: this ain't no dry science lesson. The concepts are definitely Quantum Physics Lite and the movie's unique format pairs a unending series of scientific talking heads with a rough narrative about a few days in the life of a mute photographer. Yeah, it's a bit unorthodox, but it works amazingly well.

Stick around for my semi-full review and capsule reviews of the other crap I've watched in the last couple of days.


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