Still Alive, Still Kicking
Well hello there. This post is more proof that the blog is still alive than anything else. I do have a few things on my mind that I'd liketo expunge pretty soon but I'm eyeing the clock this Tuesday evening and it's a-gettin' late. Ah, not like that's ever stopped me from staying up to tap away at my keyboard. More to the point, it's late and my lids grow heavier.
I did have a bit of drama at the office today. I have a cadre of bosses and superiors where I work, and luckily, they are all very reasonable, likable human beings. One of them, my IT partner in crime, has recently been spending time in Mexico and taken his family along with him. (We are travel agents who manage property for appallingly wealthy tourists). Anyway, it's not uncommon to have these villa renters throw parties and the like, but there's always maid and butlering staff to clean things up for the next guests in line.
Anyway, my boss' 2-year old daughter somehow managed to partially ingest a plastic baggy full of unidentified pills early this morning, thinking it was candy or something. More likely it was either illegal narcotics. Even if it was over the counter stuff, we are talking about a itty bitty girl here and there was no telling how many of the things she ate. Well, she gets knocked unconscious from the mystery drugs and things get crazy.
Fortunatley for everyone involved, that area of Mexico has developed quite nicely over the last decade, so there was a resident doctor nearby with some paramedics who were able to pump out the poor girl's stomach and keep her stabilized. They were anxiously awaiting an airvac to spirit them to a hospital in San Diego when I arrived to the office and got caught up on the news. My other boss was on the phone with her partner and she was in tears. It was a very unnerving way to start the day.
Well, maybe an hour later my boss' girl came to and was walking around again like nothing happened. The last I heard they were still going to take a flight to San Diego to get her completely checked out, which was a very wise decision.
Talk about a close call.
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