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Monday, October 23, 2006

A Digg at Web 2.0

Maybe a sorry is in order for not having anything new to post lately. Now that I've been stricken with my 5-months long overdue cold there probably won't be much to look foward to this week, blog-wise. Nope. Just me staying in, drinking soup, eating oranges and gleefully working my way through Season 1 of Lost on DVD.

And that's on top of the many cozy nights I've already spent with Guild Wars Factions, probably a mere sniff of nicotine compared to the digital crack that is World of Warcraft, but still very addictive on its own merits. Massively multiplayer Diablo anyone? That's what Guild Wars is. Yikes...

Anyway, I'm nodding off at work now after having done some preliminary reading about the release of Microsoft's "long-awaited" Internet Explorer 7. Advance reviews from IT (but non web dev-related) friends so far are kind of bleak. Raise your hand if you are surprised by that. Anyone?... Didn't think so.

After surfing around a bit, I checked back in on Jeffrey's Zeldman's site and found this humourous tidbit about the Web 2.0 trend. For web design curmurdgeon like myself, it provided a couple good chuckles.

Zeldman on Web 2.0


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